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18 Jun, 2024
New Maspex Foundation Scholars

Ania Kurek got into the Business School at Imperial College in London. She will be studying MSc Business Analytics, simply put, Business Analytics.

Maspex Foundation: Ania – first of all, our sincere congratulations. We are very happy that you have a year full of new challenges and experiences ahead of you at a London university. Especially since we at the Maspex Foundation contributed to this. Could you tell us about yourself?

I am a graduate of engineering studies at AGH in Krakow, specializing in Electronics and Telecommunications. Professionally, I am interested in the development of telecommunications and new technologies. In the last semester of my studies and for a short while after graduation, I had the opportunity to develop my professional preferences by working at Nokia as a software engineer. Besides that, I love sports, especially volleyball and tennis. I am also passionate about traveling and learning about different cultures.

Maspex Foundation: What will you be studying, and what will these studies allow you to do in the future?

Certainly, if one thinks seriously about their future, such studies open many doors. International experience and studying at the world’s top universities are an extraordinary asset for developing one’s professional career. The field I chose is “Business Analytics.” In the future, I would like to work as an analyst for a consulting or IT company, analyzing business risk, identifying opportunities and threats of various business activities – I would like to have a significant impact and voice in the company’s activities, supported by data analysis and visualization. This field belongs to business disciplines, but each subject is very technical – it is based on advanced statistics and probability, machine learning, “Big Data” analysis, and the optimization of many processes. This is what makes it specific and challenging. But for me, it is simply a passion.

Maspex Foundation: When did you decide that you wanted to study?

I started my application process relatively late, in March. Most fields accept applications from November, but it took me some time to decide to try. All the more, I am glad that I managed to fulfill my dreams and got into my dream studies. Imperial College is a very prestigious university that receives numerous applications from all over the world each year, so the competition is fierce. You definitely need to spend a lot of time perfecting all the documents. But with the help of the Maspex Foundation’s HelpLine mentors, it is much easier.

From the very beginning, the HelpLine mentors from the Maspex Foundation helped me with the application process – their advice is really invaluable, and the whole process is much easier with their help.

Maspex Foundation: What did the entire application process look like for you? Your advice will surely be useful to future applicants who will want to apply to foreign universities next year.

What needs to be done to start your application process? First, you need to visit the university’s website and the chosen field, then create an account on the recruitment portal. There you need to upload numerous documents, including a CV, a personal statement, a diploma, and contact details for two referees – usually, it is the supervisor of your bachelor’s/engineering thesis and another person from the university or an employer if you have ever had one. The HelpLine mentors from the Maspex Foundation particularly help with writing the Personal Statement and CV – these are very specific forms in the British format, so it is worth using the knowledge and experience of older colleagues :). Once you manage to pass the online application stage and upload all the documents, you face a rather long wait for a response. For me, it was 7 weeks. After this time, I received an email saying that I had successfully passed the first stage of the recruitment process and was invited for an interview via an application similar to Skype. And only after this interview did I receive a very nice email from the university with congratulations and information that I had been admitted to my dream studies.

Redakcja: Jak zachęciłabyś swoich kolegów – dzieci naszych pracowników do tego, aby aplikowali na studia zagraniczne i uczestniczyli w procesie rekrutacji?

The Maspex Foundation’s scholarship program not only provides financial assistance during studies but also offers mentoring and help with applying for master’s studies – it is really worth taking advantage of this, and I sincerely encourage everyone who is considering this opportunity. It is a great chance to develop your skills and learn from the best professors and among very talented students from all over the world. It is also an excellent opportunity to make international contacts and make friends with people from distant countries.


Matej Murcko told us about his preparations for exams and cooperation with the Maspex Foundation’s HelpLine at the beginning of the year. Now we know that Matej also managed to get into his chosen studies. The field he chose is Corporate Finance at Cass Business School at City University of London.

Maspex Foundation: Matej – we are glad that you managed to fulfill your dreams and will soon start your studies in London. Congratulations. When did you start thinking about studying abroad?

My journey toward higher education began right after finishing high school and passing the final exams. I then decided to apply for a sports scholarship in the United States, and I managed to interest several universities, which invited me for a trial period. However, I returned with mixed feelings and was not sure if I really wanted to spend the next four years so far from home, family, and friends. After returning from the States, I decided to apply to the Applied Knowledge Program at The Hague University, and it was a great decision.

Maspex Editorial: What course will you start at the London university?

Accounting, finance, planning, marketing, external reporting is definitely my world and what I am passionate about, so I wanted to continue developing in this direction, which is why I chose Corporate Finance as my course at the London university. I would like to gain even more advanced knowledge and thus open the door to the world of finance and accounting.

Editorial: Matej – when did you decide to cooperate with our Foundation and the HelpLine program and apply for foreign studies?

When I decided that I wanted to study abroad, the opportunity to use the Maspex Foundation’s HelpLine program appeared. For me, it was a very valuable opportunity. I received a lot of tips on how to prepare my CV and motivation letter to be correct, contain all the necessary elements, and stand out to those who would be evaluating me. At every stage of creating these documents, I could contact the Foundation and get the appropriate information. My documents were also checked and corrected. Thanks to this, I was sure they were 100% correct. And thanks to this – I managed to get into my dream course. I am already excited and can’t wait for the upcoming challenges and experiences.


Marcin Laskowski will start his course at Imperial College in London this fall. However, the field he chose is quite different.

Maspex Foundation: Marcin – we warmly congratulate you on getting into one of the best universities in Europe. Could you tell us more about yourself?

I can say about myself that I am a guy who has many interests and is passionate about many things. Starting with swimming, tennis, football, playing the guitar, and ending with designing, programming mobile robots, biomimetics, and even psychology. Where did it come from? I don’t know, maybe because I always joke to my friends that you have to try everything in life – to know what not to do again. I completed my engineering studies at AGH in Krakow in Mechatronic Engineering. Besides my passions, interests, and studies, I run my own company, Laskowski Design, and am a member of a research and development team that includes AGH doctors. Together we create innovative products. It is a very exciting job.

Maspex Foundation: You are very talented. What course did you choose for your foreign studies, and why this one?

I thought long and hard about which course to choose, but after much consideration, I chose Human and Biological Robotics at Imperial College of London. This course covers very interesting topics in engineering, robotics, mechatronics, and biology. I see great potential in this course and hope it is the future that will soon come to the rapidly developing Poland. Additionally, Imperial College is one of the most prestigious universities in Europe and the world.

Maspex Foundation: What was the whole application process like for you?

The recruitment process took a very long time, but only because I prepared for it very meticulously. For me, the biggest challenge was the language test, which I had to pass to apply. Although all my engineering studies were in English, the language is still not my strong suit. After passing the English language exam (IELTS), I prepared my CV and Personal Statement. Having a complete set of documents, I submitted my application by logging into the university’s recruitment system. Looking at the preparation of materials and documents for the entire application process – it was not easy, but it was worth it.

Maspex Foundation: What will these studies give you? In other words, what will you be able to do thanks to them? What doors will they open for you?

Studying in England will primarily make me more fluent and confident in English, which is very important during various presentations or negotiations. Thanks to richer laboratory facilities, I will also have the opportunity to learn about modern technologies that are not yet available in Central Europe. I will also be able to learn mechatronics from a different perspective – more practically. It was also very important to me that the university had very close contact with the industry, as this will allow me to establish cooperation with international companies. I will certainly enhance my soft skills and expand my contact base.

Maspex Foundation: Marcin, this year you are one of the three students who got into foreign studies through the Maspex Foundation and will receive a scholarship. How would you encourage other employees’ children to apply for foreign studies? Is it worth trying?

I think the Maspex Foundation Scholarship Program is an amazing opportunity to increase self-confidence, believe in your abilities, learn about a different culture, and gain a new perspective on innovation and technology. Poland is a country that is currently developing at an incredible pace. This means that the demand for qualified management staff is growing. Studying in England provides the opportunity to gain immense experience and the perspective of reaching a global level in terms of industry and business knowledge. I strongly encourage you to try your hand at it, and if you have any questions, I am open to contact and help.