Homepage > News > Maspex Foundation Helpline Program – How does it work and help students? Interview with Matej Murcko. one of the students, children of our employees, talks about his preparations for exams for foreign studies.
18 Jun, 2024
Maspex Foundation Helpline Program – How does it work and help students? Interview with Matej Murcko. one of the students, children of our employees, talks about his preparations for exams for foreign studies.

As part of its activities, the Maspex Foundation runs the HelpLine program. We have partnered with the best external agency, Ivy Poland, which provides free assistance to students – the children of our employees – in preparing to apply to foreign universities. Any student interested in studying abroad can access the experts’ knowledge and contact them throughout the year.

One such student benefiting from the HelpLine assistance and applying for foreign studies, with a great chance of obtaining a scholarship, is Matej Murcko – the son of Valéria Murcková, who works at Maspex Slovakia Trade s.r.o. in Slovakia. Matej told us what he needs to do to get into his dream studies, what exams and documents need to be prepared, and how much time he has to devote to it. We hope that Matej’s example will show that anything is possible if you really want it.

Maspex Foundation: When did you start thinking about studying abroad?

My journey toward higher education began right after finishing high school and passing the final exams. Then I had to make a difficult decision trying to combine my passion for soccer with the desire to continue my education. I decided to apply for a sports scholarship in the United States, and I managed to interest several universities, which invited me for a trial period. However, I returned with mixed feelings and was not sure if I really wanted to spend the next four years so far from home, family, and friends.

Maspex Foundation: And what then? Did you know what to do next?

Then I decided to apply to the Applied Knowledge Program at The Hague University. Due to the fact that I have always been fascinated by the world of finance, choosing the right course was easy – Control and International Financial Management. Being in the final year of my bachelor’s studies, I can say that this decision changed my life and allowed me to set a path that I really want to follow. Accounting, finance, planning, marketing, external reporting, and many other courses allowed me to learn terminology, mechanisms, and most importantly, made me even more interested in the world of finance. The first two years of study, however, were a challenge, but I did not give up.

Maspex Foundation: Did you participate in any internships during your studies?

Yes, of course. I was a member of the financial advisory team at EY, the financial planning department at YIT Slovakia, and each of these internships gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained at the university in real-life situations. I consider these two stages to be some of the most educational and challenging experiences in my life. But even then, at that stage, I knew that I would want to apply to top universities in Europe. I would like to gain even more advanced knowledge and thus open the door to the world of finance and accounting, which I dream of.

Maspex Foundation: And when did you decide to cooperate with our Foundation and the HelpLine program?

When I made the internal decision to study abroad, the opportunity to use the Maspex Foundation’s HelpLine program appeared. For me, it was a very valuable opportunity. I received a lot of tips on how to prepare my CV and motivation letter to be correct, contain all the necessary elements, and stand out to those who would be evaluating me. At every stage of creating these documents, I could contact the Foundation and get the appropriate information. My documents were also checked and corrected. Thanks to this, I am sure they are 100% correct. I also received a lot of information about the recruitment process at foreign universities. I am confident that I will meet their criteria, and with the help of the Maspex Foundation, my dreams will come true.

Maspex Foundation: Which university would you like to apply to?

The choice of schools to which I would like to apply is based on their curricula.

Those that most attracted my attention are: Cass Business School, London School of Economics, University of Warwick, and Imperial College – all of which offer studies in corporate finance with various elective options.

Maspex Foundation: What do you need to do to get in?

To qualify for these universities, I need to pass the GMAT exam, which is a computer-adaptive test designed to assess students’ verbal and mathematical abilities. For the past two months, I have been intensively preparing for this exam, and I hope to achieve a satisfactory score that will allow me to qualify for studies and then obtain a scholarship from the Maspex Foundation.

Maspex Foundation: Of course – we wish you the best of luck and are rooting for you!

JHow does the HelpLine Program work?

The initial consultation conducted via email aims to properly guide the candidate:

  • assistance in selecting universities and programs,
  • discussion of the recruitment process at individual universities,
  • consultation on essays and CV drafts,
  • help in choosing recommenders,
  • access to a collection of questions and answers regarding both the recruitment process and life in the United Kingdom.

For any additional questions, you can get information by writing to: [email protected].