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18 Jun, 2024
A new scholarship recipient begins studies in the United Kingdom
  • Ms. Dagmara, when did you decide to try to get into a foreign university?

The possibility of studying abroad had intrigued me for a long time. During my undergraduate studies, I participated in a student exchange program under Erasmus+ and studied in Spain for half a year. That trip was a very valuable experience and strongly influenced my decision to apply for a master’s degree in another country.

  • How much work did you have to put in to get into a London university?

Of course, applying for studies in the United Kingdom involves several formalities, such as taking a language exam, writing a motivation letter, obtaining a sufficient GPA at the previous university, and getting references from academic teachers as well as polishing your CV. However, these are not insurmountable tasks. In my opinion, the results of this work are well worth the effort. Thanks to this application system, not only the points but also personal motivation determine success. I must also emphasize that during my preparations and application, I could count on the support of the Maspex Foundation in completing the necessary documents and choosing the right field of study. I could rely on the support and experience of advisors from the Foundation’s HelpLine, for which I am very grateful.

  •  What exams did you have to take to get into studies in London?

 For each field of study, you need to pass the IELTS English language proficiency test, which can be taken in Poland. Additionally, a motivation letter is required, in which you need to justify your candidacy and present your motivations and aspirations for the future in relation to the field you want to study. My university also requires a CV and references from lecturers or employers. The final stage of the recruitment process was an online interview.

  •  You chose to study Marketing Strategy and Innovation. Why this field?

 My previous field of study was not entirely related to business, but I was very interested in marketing, and I really wanted to combine two different fields of study to obtain an interdisciplinary education. The program of this field is really interesting and offers many opportunities for people with various interests.

  •  What will your studies look like?

 Master’s studies in the United Kingdom last only one year, so the plan is quite intensive. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical ones. Besides exams and classwork, various workshops, projects, and presentations, as well as independent work at home, are also important. During the three semesters, we will cover subjects related to marketing, finance, business analytics, creativity, and innovation. Additionally, the university offers a series of workshops on career development.

  •  What are your plans after graduation?

Marketing studies open up many different interesting paths. I am particularly interested in sports marketing and plan to pursue this direction after obtaining my master’s degree.

Ms. Dagmara – we wish you all the best and keep our fingers crossed! We will certainly keep you informed about how you are doing in your classes and among new friends. Good luck!